
Explore, learn, and create with VxSIM.

campaign Latest Updates

New VxSIM licenses launched! See the Download page for more information.

lightbulb_2 Pro Tip

Use the "Click to Add" feature when spawning in models quickly

help Want to access a module?

Depending on your license, you may have access to particular modules. Reach out to support@vxsim.net to learn more.

Getting Started


Comprehensive tutorial of how to install VxSIM

Length | 2 minutes 1 second


Complete overview of VxSIM controls and UI

Length | 3 minutes 12 seconds

Basic Scene Creation


Step-by-step walkthrough of basic scene creation in VxSIM

Length | 2 minutes 45 seconds

This module comes with a license


Quick step-by-step tutorial on how to assign a reference frame in VxSIM

Length | 1 minute 27 seconds

This module comes with a license


Guided walkthrough of creating and simulating a simple box car in VxSIM

Length | 5 minutes 27 seconds

This module comes with a license

Scene Configuration and Customization


Quick step-by-step tutorial on how to assign and utilize a Path Follower Process in VxSIM

Length | 1 minute 40 seconds

This module comes with a license


Quick step-by-step tutorial on how to assign and utilize a Kinematics Move Process in VxSIM

Length | 3 minutes 11 seconds

This module comes with a license