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  • Westminster, MD, USA

Frequently Asked Questions


To purchase a VxSIM license, please submit a request through our Download page or reach out to

View our Tutorials page for walkthroughs of VxSIM. For any specific questions, please refer to the provided documentation or reach out to our team.

We're working on expanding support for this platform in the future

We're working on expanding support for this platform in the future


VxSim refers to a group of applications that work together to define and then run a simulation. Scene Builder is one application in that group. It is usually the starting point, since it's where you create the scene to simulate. The general flow is:

  • You use Scene Builder to create a scene to simulate. The scene contains the physical objects and any supporting sim processes they require (usually to move an object around).
  • Scene Controller then loads and runs the scene. It launches any required supporting sim processes, for example vehicle controllers.

A scene object is moved by assigning a controlling sim process to it. As the scene runs, the object's sim process computes its pose (position & orientation).

To create and edit your VxSIM scene code, open the Scene Builder and Open your scene. Under the Scene tab, select Configure button. Expand the Scene Objects tree until you find the Code Process Component. On the Left select the Settings tab and click on the Program Code […] button. This will open the Code Editor.

Yes, with the Professional version, VxSIM has been run as a plug-in to Unity. This same method will work with Unreal and other game/graphics engines.

Yes, starting with the Research version VxSIM has a full API using sockets. This allows any application that can send and receive data via a socket, to control entities in VxSIM. This includes tools such as MatLab, Adams, Chrono, MotionGenesis, and user developed software written in C++, Python, Fortran, etc.

File Management

Yes, as long as you save it in a supported graphic model file format. The easiest way to have your models show up in the object picker list is to place the models and textures under your custom_models folder. See the create scene tutorial for more details.

Models & textures of the following formats are supported.


  • Wavefront OBJ format (.obj)
  • OpenFlight format (.flt)
  • GLTF format (.gltf, .glb)
  • 3DC point cloud format (.3dc, .asc)
  • 3D Studio model format (.3ds)
  • STL format (.sta, .stb)
  • Stanford Triangle Format (.ply)
  • AC3D Database format (.ac)
  • Autodesk DXF format (.dxf)
  • Open Scene Graph model format (.ive, .osg, .osgt)
  • Lightwave geometry format (.geo)
  • Lightwave object format (.lw, .lwo)
  • Lightwave scene format (.lws)
  • Quake2 MD format (.md2)
  • ESRI Geospatial Shape file format (.shp)
  • Biovision motion hierarchical file (.bvh)
  • OpenGL ES optimized format (.gles)
  • Terrapage txp format (.txp)

Images (textures):

  • BMP Image format (.bmp)
  • PNG Image format (.png)
  • JPEG image format (.jpg, .jpeg)
  • RGB Image (.bw, .int, .inta, .rgb, .rgba, .sgi)
  • Tga Image format (.tga)
  • PNM Image format (.pbm, .pgm, .pnm, .ppm)
  • DDS image format (.dds)
  • High Dynamic Range image format (.hdr)
  • KTX image format (.ktx)
  • PIC Image format (.pic)
  • PVR image format (.pvr)

Yes, just save or export them to a format that is supported and place them in your custom_models folder.

When you save a scene, the default location is your user folder which are created under your user account. On windows this will be located at C:\Users\YourUserName\DynamicDimensionTechnologiesLLC\vxsim\scenes

Relative file paths are placed under your home directory at "/DynamicDimensionTechnologiesLLC/vxsim/output/" Absolute file paths are used as-given

To save a configuration item to a catalog, select the item in the Configuration Window and click the Save To Catalog button on the bottom of the window. This will save the item to the catalog folder in your user directory C:\Users\YourUserName\DynamicDimensionTechnologiesLLC\vxsim\catalog. The next time you open SceneBuilder, you will see it in the object picker list.